Saturday, April 14, 2012


Calendar Books!  Covered with papers and embellishments to personalize for each person.  I made 14 of these for friends and family.  Too bad I didn't get pictures of them all.  Only problem was, these were one time use only because I glued everything right to the cover.  I didn't locate any with clear cover protectors until this year and then I didn't get any made.  Better planning next year!
For Eboni who likes to sing!

For Michelle who has a cake business!

For Mom who loves flowers but can't smell them!

For a friend who likes green and is earthy!

For a friend who likes to have fun!

For a friend who loves Mickey Mouse and Santa Claus!


  1. I loved mine!! Need one now that reflects Zumba :)

  2. I will work on that!Will be a little late but you still use it for the rest of the year and then I will make sure I get a new one to you next year sooner!
